About Us
The inculcation of a love of rocks and minerals by the furtherance of member’s interests in the earth sciences, and by education in all facets of related educational activities with the promotion of good fellowship, proper ethics and conduct.
All guests are invited to attend the general meetings, study groups, and field trips. General meetings are normally held the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:45 PM at 100 Belwood Gateway (The Cabana Club), Los Gatos, CA 95032. Belwood Gateway is just south of Blossom Hill between Leigh Avenue and Harwood.
This society is a member of the California Federation of Mineralogical Societies (CFMS) and is affiliated with the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS).
Membership Requirements
Attendance at two general meetings within a twelve month period.
Annual Dues: $20.00 for adults, and $5.00 for juniors, or $30.00 for the household.
Initiation Fees: $5.00 for adults, and $2.00 for juniors.
A new member form is available here.
Mail can be sent to: Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
P.O. Box 54, San Jose, CA 95103-0054
Phone: 408/265-1422
Club Email: info@scvgms.org
Website: webmaster@scvgms.org
Donations: donations@scvgms.org