
Donated rocks, minerals and lapidary equipment are offered for sale at periodic fundraising sales sponsored by the Donation Receiving Committee. Materials are “recycled” at reasonable prices to encourage the hobby, with proceeds going to SCVGMS activities and scholarships. These sales are open to members of the public.
Check the “News & Events” page periodically for announcements of upcoming sales.
We will give you a receipt for all items donated. We do not provide any valuation of materials or equipment donated. You will need to contact your tax consultant regarding your individual tax situation.
If you would like to make a donation to the SCVGMS, please the contact the Donation Receiving Committee Chairman by emailing the following address:, or call our committee chairs:
Pat at 408-266-4327
Thank you for considering our club as a possible recipient of your donation. The Donation Receiving Committee Chairmen will assess the donation and schedule further evaluations and collection.